✧ hi! I'm Julie ✧

Who I Am


On social media, I often describe myself as:

  • 🌟 Creative Life Coach & Muse Cultivator 🎨

  • 🌟 Award-Winning Writer/Actor/Storyteller

But what I’d really love is to sit down and chat with you over a cup of tea. Since that’s not always possible, here’s my attempt to recreate that connection through words.


Always grateful – especially for YOU

Yes, you, the person sitting on the other side of this screen reading these words. I am deeply grateful you’re here. There’s a reason you arrived today, even if this is the only encounter we ever have. I want to share with you what I bring to the table and what I hope to offer you. If you feel moved to share who you are with me, it would be a joy.

I believe we all have three things in common:

  • Each of us has a story—something stirring within us—that holds a universal message of value to others.

  • We are all here for a reason.

  • Each of us is a uniquely wonderful creation with gifts that deserve exploring.

One of my greatest sadnesses is when people hold their stories tight, believing no one cares, their purpose doesn’t matter, or their contributions are insignificant.

With that awareness in mind, let me share a bit about myself, so you might feel more comfortable sticking around a while.

The Early Days

I’ve been online since 1999, and my first personal development and coaching business began shortly after I left a stressful government job. Two individuals I worked with—both severely mentally ill—had threatened my life within a short span. I took a leave of absence, which turned into me leaving that job for good and starting something new.

I launched my coaching and personal development business, wrote my first book, and grew a large audience. Back then, there was no social media; we connected through newsletters, message boards, and ezines. It was thrilling! Within six months, I had a full coaching practice and began teaching classes and tele-seminars teleseminars (on phone lines—this was pre-Zoom days).

Everything flowed seamlessly—until life intervened.


Life Happens

In 2007, life brought what I call the “Big Three”:

▶︎ My younger brother died, one who had Down’s Syndrome and was only 13 months younger than me. We had a unique bond. When he died, something within me shifted.

▶︎ My child struggled horribly in kindergarten and first grade.. and then  we discovered he had autism.

▶︎ My mom was diagnosed with cancer (I learned this on MySpace).

The final bonus that made me give up, completely: my successful website was stolen by an Italian poker company after a web-hosting disaster.

During this time, I homeschooled my son, dealt with personal betrayals, and was diagnosed with CPTSD—residual trauma from earlier death threats. The sheer weight of these events led me to retreat from my business.

Yet life didn’t stop. I survived melanoma and other health challenges, including a rare lung disease that resulted in sepsis and a near-death experience in the ICU. The pandemic arrived shortly after, intensifying the healing process.


The Healing Power of Creative Practices

In December 2019, I began a daily haiku practice to heal after a near death experience. What started as a seven-day experiment turned into 377 days of writing haiku. This small, daily act became a spiritual and creative anchor.

Over time, I expanded the project to include hugging 377 trees and writing 377 love notes. These practices helped me heal, grow, and reconnect with my purpose.

Grief and Growth

Loss has been a constant teacher in my life. From the stillbirth of my first child, Marlena Sarah, to the loss of my father in 2021 and my youngest brother in 2022, grief has shaped my journey. Through these experiences, I’ve learned the value of presence, storytelling, and community.

Moving Forward

In late 2021, I moved across the country, hugged trees in more than 20 states, and redefined my dreams. After a brief return to traditional work, I’m now reopening my creative life coaching business, finishing my book projects and am and offering courses that nurture creativity and purpose.

What I Offer

On this site, you’ll find:

  • Courses and Coaching: Tailored to help you discover your creative purpose and tell your story.

  • Free Resources: A creative community, downloadable journals, videos, and more.

  • Books and Journals: Tools to guide your growth and reflection.

    This is just the beginning.


Join My Inner Circle…

If my words resonate with you, I invite you to sign up for my newsletter, The Creative Life Midwife Weekly Muse. Together, we’ll explore creativity, purpose, and the joy of storytelling.

As I said at the beginning—I’m so grateful you’re here.

99% of Successful people have a coach.

Invest in your greatest asset: you.

💌 Introducing the Creative Life Midwife Muse Letter

The Creative Life Midwife Muse letter provides inspiration, a bit of creative life coaching both in written form and video. You will be among the first to know of what is happening with new offerings and changes before they happen. Subscribe now! 

Letters from my heart, sharing my journey of creative exploration and honest reflections on life, growth, and navigating the world with a creative mindset in midlife.

You can unsubscribe any time, of course! xo

© 2024 Creative Life Midwife