Today: A Two-Miracle Discovery Day - Creative Life Midwife

December 25, 20243 min read

Today: A Two-Miracle Discovery Day

February 4, 2020 by

It looked like an otherwise ordinary day but deep inside, Iknew it wasn’t.

I made two back-to-back miraculous discoveries once I survivedthe early morning extreme cold.

Yes, the miracles started with a freezing cold breath of air –to people in Central California, temperatures dipping under freezing may aswell be the arctic tundra. We aren’t accustomed to such cold and in this case,neither were my lungs.

Since my bout with pneumonia which lead to sepsis I have beenkeenly aware of sudden pain, especially in my lungs or in my upper chest. Iknow the most recent CT scan showed there is still an unclear spot on my lungsand this causes concern for me.

My morning haiku went like this:

Surprise! Freezing inhale
Ice pick poking in my lung’s
upper right portion –

Iwent inside, started making coffee and sat with my notebook, using my writingpractice as a container for insights of wellness and a catalog of what my mindwas holding onto.

Twopages down, I decided to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast and take my morningvitamins. It was here when the miracle came clearly into form.

First,I realized Aldi’sfake Life Cereal tastes better than the original. It is the perfect level ofsweet, yet not too sweet. Normally I am not brave enough to try off-brandcereals, but this makes me willing to try their fake Special K next, which ismy favorite cold cereal.

Second,Geritol truly is a miracle elixir. Whenever I take it, especially on aregular basis, everything in life feels better. It is right up there with dailywriting practice and creative collaboration of all types.

Mylungs feel better, I am ready to take on my day after yesterday’s ratherdisappointing end, Emma is even cheerful. After all, I suggested she takeGeritol as well. It seems to have worked.

Itdidn’t take a trip to a faraway island or an expensive gift, it simply took ashift in mindset from moving my pencil and lovingly taking care of my healthcontinually.

Writing practice and Geritol, anyone?

Miracles are around us all the time. The simplest question is, are we ready to notice them?

Your prompts for today:

What miracles have you noticed so far today?

What was a recent “big” miracle in your life? What was a recent “humble” miracle? Set your timer for five minutes and write about them, right now – or commit to doing so, later.

Julie JordanScott, the Creative Life Midwife, has been working with people to clarify their life purpose and inspire artistic rebirth since for more than two decades. Her work on stage and as a theater director have magnified her passion for the poetry of living. She currently has two openings in her life coaching practice. Perhaps you are ready to experience a transformational coaching conversation to see how you would best work together to collaborate on creating your next big thing? Click here to request your complimentary session now.

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Filed Under: #5for5BrainDump, Creative Life Coaching, Creative Process, Journaling Tips and More, Writing Challenges & Play, Writing Prompt Tagged With:

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