Day 4: Believing Mirrors in 31 Days of (Self) Belonging

October 04, 20232 min read

Day 4: Believing Mirrors in 31 Days of (Self) Belonging

Believing mirrors: people who see you, hear you and reflect your goodness back to you. It is similar to holding unconditional positive regard as we discussed yesterday, though the term is rooted in the work of Julia Cameron.

I have often suggested the discovery of believing mirrors to my coaching clients as well as myself and I have never thought of it in relation to belonging, especially self-belonging.

This realization hit me like a hailstorm yesterday.

Two aspects were especially strong: what is it to find and be in relationship with people who are believing mirrors and what would it take to be my own believing mirror?

Being my own believing mirror - photo illustrates being a believing mirror before going onstage while waiting in the wings at the Empty Space Theater in Bakersfield, California

“WHAT?!” I internally yelled at myself. “I never even considered being my own believing mirror!”

Sometimes the most obvious are the least likely to be seen, like in a romance story where people start the movie as enemies and become lovers. Think “You’ve Got Mail” or I’ve lost count of how many Shakespeare plays.

Today will begin my practice of being my own believing mirror.

I am devoting myself to an evening practice of collecting what to reflect back to myself with unconditional positive regard and speak to myself in respect to what I did not only well, but when I was notably trying my best in the moment.

To increase the emphasis, I intend to create a daily story on instagram sharing from 3 – 5 ways I am believing in myself for the next week. If I miss or mess up, I will believe – because I know – if I make doing my best into a practice I will remember even when my best doesn’t look exceptional, it is that day’s best.

Do you have someone who you consider to be a believing mirror for you?

I would love to hear how you communicate to one another.

Woman hugging a cartoon tree - white with black polka dots

Julie JordanScott is a Creative Life Coach, an award-winning storyteller, actor and poet whose photos and mixed media art graces the walls of collectors across the United States. Her writing has appeared on the New York Times Best Sellers List, the Amazon best sellers list and on American Greetings Holiday cards (and other greeting cards). She currently lives in a manse in Sussex, NJ, where she has recently finished her most recent book project, hugging trees daily and enjoys having random inspirational conversations with strangers.

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